
Showing posts from October, 2008

20% Rise in Traffic by MC-PC and Google

I am glad to report that Google Analytics shows Page Views for TouristNetUK are up by 20% over the last month to 155,000 + :)  The number of people requesting details is up :) and the number of new customers is up. :) The RECESSION is here and the holiday season has nearly finished until next year, BUT Page Views are UP :) The current job for  MC-PC Web Design  has been to create a report on " TouristNetUK on the WWW and Social Networking ". The report was presented to 12 key staff members, from CEO & Directors to admin and sales. Eleven people were present in the office, with one on skype and one using the telephone hands. We used PowerPoint to present the information you can find it at  TouristNetUK Presentation .  I now firmly believe the change of keywords IS responsible for the current rise in the Page Views. Thank you Google :)  and All the other sites that  Point into  TouristNetUK with links :) Hava Gud weekend every1 One Love :)

MC-PC, TouristNetUK and Google Analytics

Well believe it or not, the Google Analytics figures have carried on rising for some of the sites that I am webmaster for. TouristNetUK has showed the best results with a dramatic jump from a average 120,000 page views to a amazing 150.000+. Is the secret formulae for page views - 1. Hard work in rebuilding the site with SEO in mind and more capital invested for manpower in page creation? 2. More pages being found through Keywords and phrases after being optimised for search? 3. More people searching for UK accommodation? 4. More Spider-Bots crawling the site due to our Digg and Delicious activities and the fact that TouristNetUK now has a group on all the major Social Networking sites, Facebook, MtSpace, YouTube, Bebo? The answer is - Its a little bit of all of the above statements:) According to Google Analytics, direct traffic into the site is responsible for the dramatic increase in visitors and page views. Have a good weekend and dont work to hard:)

New Laptop for Me :)

Ive just ordered a new laptop today for MC-PC "me+computer", I should get it in the morning. You can find it at Misco . The laptop Ive got has done me proud with windows :( 2000 Pro, with a little bit of .NET in there to so I'm now paying the price with my application speeds, it just seems to be running dead slow these days. Unless its because Ive been playing on my sons new laptop also from Misco , and when I do go back to my old ting it just don't match up? Anyway I'm now sitting here like a kid at Christmas waiting for the parcel delivery guy to turn up in the morning :) Carnt wait *.*

Stats with the help of Google Analytics

Well after spending the last 3 days going through Google Analytics trying to find out why some of the figures have gone up, I am able to report that I think the the traffic increase is a down to direct traffic to the sites. This could be 1. Spiders - We have started to use Digg and Delicious so it would make sense for the traffic to go up due to the Spiders / Search engine bots crawling the sites after finding them on Digg and Delicious and. 2. The people are returning to the sites from there Favorites instead of doing a Organic search, and that's how they probably found the sites in the first place. Please comment of get in touch if you have any more ideas what is causing this phenomena. I would love your input. If you to are interested in Search Engine Optimisation I would suggest starting with the book Advanced Web Metrics for Google Analytics . What a brilliant book :) One Life :)

Page Views are up and up by MC-PC!

Here at MC-PC Web Design we have spent the weekend trying to work out why the figures for some of the sites we webmaster for have gone up between 100% - 250%? I have eventualy tracked it down to DIRECT traffic. By direct traffic I asume that the Google Analytics figures have gone up through Spider-Robots crawling the server due to our Digg and Delicious campain. Has our investment of time and effort in the Social Networking technologys worked I hear you ask, sorry I carnt answer that right now but there are still some figures I need to see b4 I can confirm that. Have a good week. One Life Live It to the MAX :P

186k Hosting is not working AGAIN

My site at WWW.MC-PC.CO.UK is not working again. I think 186k MUST be the first OFF LINE ISP. Lol

Would you Adam and Eve it, Googles done us a Gud'en

Well well well. Nice 1 Google for helping to send the page views through the roof on a site that I webmaster for. Tourist Net UK Ltd have for the past 10 years been using TouristNetUK.COM to display all of there pages, but after 10 years the Web has changed. So after 10 months of planning between MC-PC Web Design and Tourist Net UK Ltd the decision was made to re-build the site using the same style and colour and content as the current .com site. The name TouristNetUK stayed too and became the new and improved TouristNetUK.CO.UK using various web technology's including .ASP and XML to help generate the pages and content. The figures for the site are collected and presented using Google Analytics, which have been recording every detail for the past 8 months. The goal was to use the TouristNetUK.CO.UK figures using Google Analytics to measure the sites pages as success or failure. The Meta Keywords were changed my me on the 24th of September based on the whats the Anaytics have s

The end of America?

The United States really does seem to be teetering on the brink of an abyss, and will it fall and fall soon I hear every body ask? I think the US has already fell and fell hard, and only now we are feeling and hearing the "BIG BANG Fallout" of that US fall around the world. What follows capitalism for the US people? Communism maybe as the USA never tried that did they? But what ever they do that are doomed for the not so far distant future that's for sure. What follows for the world, no USA? Would that be so bad? I DON'T THINK SO What follows for all the rich people, A revolution by the poor people I suspect trying the rid the world of Hunger and famine and FAT CAT BANKERS, Politicians Etc. But please don't get me wrong, I am no USA hater as I hope Britain and all the other so called developed SUPER POWER nations follows it down the toilet where they belong. One LIFE, Live IT :) MC

hosting or not as the case maybe

Are 123reg are the worst Hosting comany in the UK?

Advanced Web Metrics with MC-PC

To help me with my search engine optimisation skills I have brought a book on Google Analytics, Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics . I have been using Google Analytics for over a year now on a daily basis for a variety of sites including - TouristNetUK , MC-PC Web Design , Hotel UK Accommodation , Taxi Bike . Some of the sites have over 120,000 visits a month and some 300 visits so getting to grips with Google Analytics is important for many reason, which has up till now been used most of all for measuring the visits per day, week and month. Basic stuff really so now its time change the face of Google Analytics as I know it using my new Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics book. :) 1Life

Here we go again with rubbish hosting service

SERP and Page Rank

Well so much for Page Rank, my Page Rank has gone down and down, but my page has gone up and up for the keywords "web design newcastle under lyme" on Google UK. Just goes to show that Page Rank aint everything. A bit of well wrote XHTML can get the job done without Googles approval :)