Iframes , Tranlators and Search boxes

The task in hand is to provide an Iframe for the already existing pages on Tourist Net UK , this Iframe must include a Translator Link, a Blogger button and a serch box. Not only do the pages need a Iframe at the top, but also need a Iframe on the right hand side for Adverts. At the same time as i have the pages in Notepad "cus thats how i work" i must also do the following with the HTML, move the Analytics Code and replace all the "../" relitive address with http://www.touristnetuk.com/images

So lets recap -

1. Iframe with -
1a. Translator code
1b. Blogger Button
1c. Google Search Box and Text "SEARCH"

1d. Iframe for Adverts on right hand side below links

2. Update HTML in page
2a. Move the Google Analytics Code from top of the page to the bottom.
2b. Replace all the "../" relitive address with http://www.touristnetuk.com/images

Oh well, here we go........ :)


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